What is Jenkins?
Before going to understand that, what
is Jenkins let first understand about the continuous
It is a development practice, which helps
the developers to integrate their code into a shared repository several times
in a day. Let say a developer check-in some code and then he wanted to verify
by an automated build, allowing team to detect problems early. Therefore, by
integrating regularly, the developer can detect errors quickly, and locate them
more easily.
There are many continuous integration tools
like Jenkins, TeamCity, Travis CI, Bamboo, GitLab CI etc.
Jenkins is a continuous integration server
or tool which is written in Java that provides Continuous Integration services
for software development, which can be started via command line or web
application server.
It is used to build and test your software
projects continuously making it easier for coders to integrate changes to
project and making it easier for testers to obtain fresh build.
Jenkins integrates development life-cycle
processes of all kinds, including build, document, test, package, stage,
deploy, static analysis and much more.
The core aim of continuous integration is
to identify a defect (majorly at integration level) and provide instant
feedback so that it can be rectified as soon as possible
Why Jenkins?
Let us take a scenario where some
developers are working on an application and the complete source code of the
application have to build and then deploy on test server for testing.
è Developers would have to wait till the complete application is
developed for the test results.
è It can be a high probability that test results might show many bugs.
And for the developers it has very tough to locate the bug because they have to
check the entire source code of application.
è The whole process is manual.
Steps to install Jenkins:
Installing the Jenkin server on Ubuntu:
Jenkins provides Debian/Ubuntu packages
which install Jenkins and register Jenkins as start service. See the Install
Jenkins on Ubuntu description
wget -q -O - https://pkg.jenkins.io/debian/jenkins.io.key | sudo
apt-key add -
sudo sh -c 'echo deb http://pkg.jenkins.io/debian-stable binary/
> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list'
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install jenkins
The Linux installation creates a /etc/init.d/jenkins script
which starts Jenkins automatically at boot time.
Jenkins stores all the settings, logs and
build artifacts in its home directory. The default installation directory
is /var/lib/jenkins under Ubuntu.
Using .war file to start Jenkins:
Step 1- Download the Jenkins .war file from
Step 2- Now copy the ‘jenkins.war’ file in
a folder. Ex C:\Jenkins\jenkins.war
Step 3- Open command prompt and goto the
Jenkins folder, run the below command
Java –jar Jenkins.war
Step 4- Once Jenkins has started , the URL
- 'localhost:8080' will be accessable.
Note- Jenkins can also be installed as a
window service. For more details use this url https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Installing+Jenkins+as+a+Windows+service
1- Configure Jenkins:
1.1- Create a new user:
Step: 1 – Select Manage Jenkins from the Jenkins UI and then click on Configure Global Security.
2- Select Enable security flag.
To create a new user, the first thing is require
to set the security realm. The easiest way to do this is to have Jenkins with
our own database. To achieve this, select the option Jenkins own user
database. Also, ensure that Allow users to sign up checkbox is also checked. Save the
Now a link Sign up will be
available. Click on the same and fill the form to sign up. Once successful, log
in with the account created.
From this page also we can create user. For
that click on Create User
1.2-Secure Jenkins:
Step 1 – Select Manage Jenkins from the Jenkins UI and then click on Configure Global Security.
Step 2- Select Enable security flag.
1.3- Generate ssh key for Jenkins user:
To access a private Git repo, let say at
Github, you need to generate an ssh key-pair.
Use the below command to create a SSH key :
sudo -u jenkins ssh-keygen
The public key must be uploaded to the
service you are using, e.g., Github.
2 - Jenkins Management:
Click on NEXT
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